Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Bueno!

Yesterday while making lunch at the cliff I had a small accident with a knife.  The knife was sitting on a rock and started to slip.  I reached to grab it at exactly the wrong moment and stabbed myself in the palm.  The wound isn't long, just the width of the knife blade, but it is fairly deep.  A nice spanish guy brought over a first aid kit and we cleaned it out and got the bleeding to stop.  Needless to say, climbing was done for the day.  I waffled about going to the hospital but, after some consultation with others, decided to see what it was like tomorrow.  Today it looks clean, no signs of infection, but my hand is quite sore and feels swollen.  I'm goin to watch it very carefully and will head to the doctor if anything looks amiss but for now I'm optimistic that no medical care will be needed.  I'm hoping to be able to climb again in a week.  Typing is hard with my right hand at the moment so I'll end here with some random pictures.  As Pawel would say, I need some Dairy Queen for a morale boost.

Random Bridge along a hiking trail.

Artsy Flower Picture

The town of Rodellar and the gorge from the opposite side.

Diana on Juan y Fran se nos van (12a)

Brian on the same route.


  1. Hang in there baby!

  2. Enjoyed catching up on your adventure. Be careful with that hand.

    Don Yelton
