Sunday, July 24, 2011

Maple 3: The Lamb Days

Sometimes when you travel the little things are the most memorable.  Eating a picnic on the banks of the Seine or seeing Elvis in Mallorca are memories that I'll always cherish. With this is mind, I always try to make the effort and see local events whenever I can.

Once a year the town of Fountain Green, UT near Maple hosts their Lamb Days Festival.  Started in 1932 to promote the local sheep industry, the two day event is now a celebration of all things lamb.

As I've chronicled before, I have two weaknesses:  Elvis impersonators and fruity drinks.  After attending the Lamb Days festivities, I may need to add parades to my list of personal kryptonites.  Before getting to the pictures, I should mention that the last parade that I attended before this was the Atlanta Pride Parade, a huge gay pride event that occurs around Halloween.  Needless to say, these two events couldn't have been more different.   On to the pictures!

The opening of the parade.

This must be what Hell is like

The Winners "Float"  These are the kids that raised the best lambs.

WTF is Cowboy Poetry?

The floats throw candy and freezie pops.  The kids are big fans of this.
Some of the floats were more spectacular than others.

SLC Punk?

Lots of visitors.  Amazingly, there was no parade-induced violence. ;)

Eating Freezie Pops is Serious Business.

MMM Freezie Pops.

T-Shirt Gun!

This picture doesn't do any of this justice.  A few seconds after this was taken, the driver got out and started break-dancing. 

Is he flashing a gang sign?  Prepping for future drive bys?
This kid stole the show.  Badass John Deere plus he's got a cape!
Uh...let's end here.

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